“Champaka – The Most Trusted Name in Traditional Thai Massage”

Thank you for entrusting Champaka with your health and well-being. We are honored to ensure you enjoy a safe and professional Thai Spa experience.


Our Code of Ethics

Champaka is the industry leader in Traditional Thai Massage and adheres to the Highest Ethical Standards. We ensure our customers enjoy our services in a safe and professional environment.

  • Conduct business and professional activities within scope of Traditional Thai Massage practice and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

  • Refrain from any sexual conduct or sexual activities involving clients in the course of a massage therapy session.

  • Provide proper draping procedures for all clients at all times.

  • Be truthful in advertising and marketing, refrain from misrepresenting services, charges for services, credentials, training, experience, ability or results.

  • Refrain from any activity which violates confidentiality commitments or proprietary rights of any other person or organization.

  • Committed to follow highest level of anti-human trafficking best practices.


Your Responsibilities

If you are late for your service, Champaka will try its best to accommodate you but if no therapist is available, we may need to reschedule your time.

You must also demonstrate ethical behavior. Our therapist will terminate service if any inappropriate comments or behaviors are displayed.


Champaka’s Promise

Champaka promises to provide the highest levels of quality, consistency and professionalism of Traditional Thai Massage at affordable prices.

In Traditional Thai Medicine (TTM), unlike Western Medicine, you pay the doctor when you are well. If you are sick, the payments stop. We follow the Thai tradition: If you do not feel better after your treatment, you don’t pay us.


Our Commitment to You

  • We are committed to customizing a Thai Wellness session to address your specific needs.

  • We are committed to safety and security of our employees and customers as our highest priority.

  • We are committed to increasing your health and well-being using Traditional Thai Massage.


Customer Bill of Rights

Your right to a customized Thai Spa experience

  • Tell your therapist what you want or don’t want in your service.

  • Undress to your level of comfort and modesty. You can wear your underwear, take everything off, or undress from the waist up. It is up to you and we can perform an effective massage whatever your level of undress. The therapist will leave the room for you to undress. For our Traditional Thai Massages, you will be full dressed and provided comfortable Thai Spa wear.

  • Let your therapist know the amount of pressure you want in massage.

You right to Receive a Safe and Professional Service

  • You have the right to relax in our spa without high pressure sales tactics.

  • Our therapist do not work on the abdomen or breasts. Gluteal and inner thigh work is permitted in Traditional Thai Massage and conducted in a professional and ethical manner.

  • You will be draped properly at all times during your service.