Champaka’s Thai Massage apprenticeship program is a system of training for a new generation of practitioners of the trade and profession with on-the-job training to accompany study (classroom work and reading). Apprenticeship enables practitioners to gain experience and practical application while working toward a license to practice the profession. The training is done while working for Champaka helping the apprentices learn the trade and profession, in exchange for their continued labor after they have achieved specialized skills.

Successful candidates must possess a dedication to Traditional Thai Massage, have good interpersonal skills, demonstrate reliability, and have proven ability to work with others as well as independently. We will train the right candidate. Duties include performing Traditional Thai Massage through positioning and stretching the client’s body in a series of Thai Yoga poses. The Thai Massage Practitioner works with the client’s body to increase flexibility and to help maintain its proper form. The Thai Massage Practitioner must also be able to evaluate the client’s level of fitness in order to apply the correct, balanced treatments. Solid communication skills are required in order to properly answer any questions a client may have.